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Effective Date: September 01, 2022

WORDYLLA game and/or website (hereinafter referred to as "Game" or "Wordylla"), all rights of which belong to R.Volkan Özcan with the 6710400222 tax id of Kartal Tax Office (hereinafter referred to as "Özcan"). The name rights of the game, all its content, template, design, video, and music and the information contained in it, visual and written records and the rights of all records and documents in the game without being limited to those listed, and the Intellect and Art No. 5846 regarding the works in the game related the rights granted under the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works (“LIAW”) belong to ÖZCAN.

Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using the Game. Users can start using the Game after they approve these terms of use, provided that they comply with the terms written here. Your approval of the Terms of Use below and any use of the Game shall mean that you accept these Terms of Use in advance. If any of the terms stated on this page are not acceptable for you, please do not accept the terms of use, and do not use the Game.

1. Parties

These User Terms are concluded between Volkan Özcan “Özcan” with Tax ID number 6710400222  of Kartal Tax Office on one side and the user (“User”) using the Wordylla game and services on the other side.

2. User's Rights and Obligations

User refers to any natural and legal person who uses the game and/or website in any way, with or without logging into the website and/or game.

2.1. The right of usage for all videos, texts, graphics, photos, videos, animations, sounds, and all other visual, audio, and written content on the Website and/or Game belongs to Wordylla/Özcan.

2.2. No video, music, visual, document, page, graphic, design, etc. element or content cannot be published or used in whole or in part, in any medium, copied, moved to another place, or quoted in the Game without the written consent of Wordylla. 

2.3. No video, music, visual, document, page, graphic, design, etc. element or content in the game cannot be published or used, copied, moved to another place, quoted, partially or completely, maliciously, distorted, altered, deceptively and incorrectly and in any way that would distort its current state or in any other way contrary to law, morality or good manners.

2.4. The User may not copy, use, or make any attempt to hack the Game, the software used in the design of the Game and the creation of the database, and all rights belong to Wordylla.

2.5. The User may not act to prevent or complicate the use of the Game, cannot force/lock servers or databases with automatic programs, or engage in fraudulent attempts.

2.6. User may not use any software or program that will threaten the security of the Game or prevent the operation of the software used, or engage in similar initiatives/activities.

2.7. The user cannot use the information that contains incorrect, irregular, incomplete, and misleading information, statements that do not comply with the general moral rules, and those that do not comply with the laws of the Republic of Turkey.

2.8. Özcan will not have any responsibility in case of partial or complete blocking of access to the Game.

2.9. The game can offer the user the opportunity to send messages and upload comments, files, documents, content. Any ideas and thoughts that users will declare on the site are completely their own personal opinion and only bind themselves. Opinions and statements for political and philosophical propaganda purposes cannot be published on the site. Activities and suggestions that may be harmful to society or that are against general morality and laws cannot be carried out. Words and dispositions that support a certain political view, insult, threaten or harass cannot be made. 

2.10. Users accept, declare, and undertake in advance that they shall not use the action, text, video, photograph, slogan, picture, cartoon, line, word, songs, melody, or comments on the Game which is considered a crime due to the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, the Turkish Penal Code and related special laws and requires compensation, the content is unlawful, intimidating, threatening, insulting, contrary to public morals, indecent, obscene, pornographic, insulting, defamatory, abusive, defamatory and similar kinds of information and public security, disrupting national unity and solidarity, contrary to general morality, public interest, and fundamental rights and freedoms, in any way whatsoever, otherwise they will be personally responsible

2.11. Users accept, declare, and undertake that they are legally authorized to use the Game and log in to the site and take all kinds of responsibility in the use of the Game and there is no obstacle.

2.12. Users shall be responsible for acquiring and maintaining necessary equipment or auxiliary services to enter and connect to the Game. Users shall be obliged to have modems, computer hardware, software, long or short-distance telephone services, all necessary devices, and equipment, without any limitation, necessary for the use of the Game. The user is responsible for ensuring that such equipment or auxiliary services are compatible with the Game. 

2.13. Users agree that if they pay through the Game and use a credit card, they are responsible for the safe execution of the transaction. In order to avoid any doubt, in-game purchases and sales are made through the User's Google and/or Apple accounts.

2.14. Users are obliged to apply the Personal Data Protection Policy published in the Game exactly during the use of the Game and/or against other Users.

2.15. Users shall be able to play the Game through third-party applications such as Facebook, Google, or Apple. The users accept, declare, and undertake that they will keep the account opening information confidential, that they will be responsible for opening an account and/or accessing her account by unauthorized persons, and that Özcan has no responsibility in this regard.

2.16. It is possible for users to open an account without using third-party applications that are mentioned in 2.15. This account shall be created as a guest account for the use of the game service. This account is automatically opened in Wordylla and a special Wordylla ID is created and paired with the device (phone, tablet computer, etc.) through a third-party application. This Wordylla ID is written at the bottom of the "my account" page and it will be possible to log in with this ID only from one device unless the user logged in with third-party applications such as Facebook, Google, or Apple.

2.17. If users are suspended from a game service previously purchased by Wordylla, or if they are banned from playing any Wordylla game, or if this happened in the past users will not be able to benefit from the game service subject to this agreement.

2.18. Users shall not use this game service to make any commercial advertisements or to transmit this advertisement to other game service users. The game account of the users who attempt this will be closed and they will not be able to claim any rights to the virtual products they have won in the game.

2.19. Any use of the Service in violation of the Use Limitations is strictly prohibited, can result in the immediate revocation of your limited right, and may subject you to liability for violations of law.

2.20. Özcan shall not be liable for user losses resulting from the unauthorized use of their account with or without the knowledge of the users. 


3.  In-Game Virtual Goods and Virtual Money, Security

3.1. In-game virtual currencies such as gems and gold bars (“Virtual Money”) may contain items or services (“Virtual Goods”) that can be used. In order to benefit from or use Virtual Currency and/or Virtual Goods in the Game, you may first need to reach a certain level or have progressed up to a certain point. By purchasing, you agree that Virtual Currency and/or Virtual Goods have no monetary value and may never be exchanged for real money, real goods, or real services by us or anyone else. Virtual Currency and/or Virtual Goods are not transferable, sellable, or demisable. Even attempting to sell, transfer, and demise these goods and/or currencies are not legal.

3.2. The User accepts, declares, and undertakes that Virtual Money and/or Virtual Product sales are final and no refunds will be made for any completed transaction. For our purposes, a "purchase" is completed when our servers confirm your purchase, and valid Virtual Goods and/or Virtual Currency are identified in your Wordylla or social media accounts. Since virtual goods are associated with your appleID / Facebook and/or Google account, you can access your Virtual Goods and/or Virtual Money on all devices you make with this account. If any Virtual Goods and /or Virtual Money is purchased without connecting to the social media account and only through the Wordylla ID, then these assets are only associated with the Wordylla ID. In such case a deletion of the Game may also delete your Virtual Goods  and/or Virtual Money. 

3.3. ÖZCAN has taken care to take the necessary precautions for security in the Game. For this reason, security tests are carried out on the system regularly and efforts are made not to allow any security vulnerabilities. 


4. Özcan's Rights and Obligations

4.1. Özcan may make unilateral changes in the Game and these terms of use without any notice. The updated current terms of use of the game will be published with a new date update. The current terms of use will be valid from the moment of publication and the use of the Game will be subject to the renewed terms of use from that moment on.

4.2. In the event that the Terms of Use are changed, continued use of the Game by the User will mean that the changed terms of use have been accepted by the Users.

4.3. Özcan may, at any time, unilaterally, permanently, or temporarily suspend the Game, change the content of the service, or cancel it, without giving any reason.

4.4. Özcan reserves the right to terminate any account that has been inactive for 180 days.


5. Usage Rights and Intellectual Property Rights

5.1.In this Agreement, “Intellectual Property Rights” means all property, financial and intangible rights recognized in all types, shapes, and forms, including but not limited to trademarks, designs and copyrights, know-how, trade secrets, and all other patents and industrial designs regarding the Software in accordance with the applicable legislation as of any date both within the borders of the Republic of Turkey and within the borders of the country that is a party to international agreements on this matter.

5.2. In accordance with this Agreement, all rights and authorizations regarding the Software belong to ÖZCAN. Özcan shall provide the right of use and services specified in this Agreement to the User.

5.3 The User cannot copy/use the software or any part of the Game in a way that does not comply with the Intellectual Property Rights. The original and any copies and codes of the software and/or any part of it are the private property of Özcan. No attempt will be made to modify, copy for distribution, reverse engineer, compile and/or create the source code of the game software as a result of its acquisition by the User, and no one will be permitted to do so. 

6. Under 18 - Liability of Legal Representatives

6.1.  Users accept, declare and undertake that they know that of all the activities carried out through the game, the actions and activities that must be performed by persons of legal age who have the power to appeal can only be carried out by persons who are legally considered to be of legal age (especially on the condition of being over 18 years old), Minors (especially those under the age of 18) can only make transactions through their legal representatives, otherwise the Website and its administrators will not be liable.

6.2. Legal Representatives are solely responsible for closely monitoring all the activities of minors (infants) on the Website and showing the necessary interventions, and Özcan will not be responsible for any damages that may arise within this scope. 

6.3. Legal representatives are responsible for the accuracy of the information to be given about minors. Legal representatives are responsible for all damages, including forfeiture, that may arise if this information is inaccurate, incomplete, and/or out of date.

6.4. Since the permission of the legal representative of the users is required to use the Game content, forums and other interactive areas, the use of these areas is deemed to have the permission of your legal representative.


7. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

7.1. Istanbul Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve disputes that may arise from the use of the Game, the application of the written provisions and legal relations in these terms of use.


7.2. Turkish Law shall be applied exclusively in all disputes arising from or related to these terms of use and the courts of the Republic of Turkey have exclusive jurisdiction.


7.3. The session and/or e-mail address that the users report to the Website will be considered the legal notification address for any notification to be made to the users.


8. Severability of Provisions

8.1. If any provision of this Agreement becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, it will be interpreted and applied as closely as it would have been if there had been no such invalidity, unenforceability or illegality. The existence of such an invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision shall not affect the validity, legality, and enforceability of the other provisions.


8.2. In addition, the different application of any of the conditions in this Agreement by the Parties will not mean that that article has been accepted as it is, and the said practice will not affect the validity of other articles. In addition, the non-implementation of some articles shall not be interpreted as the repeal of the said articles.

9. Amendment

All kinds of agreements and/or amendments that will change and/or complete this Agreement and/or include additional services must be made in writing, and verbal agreements between the Parties are invalid.

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